St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge
Blog 328: Migration Visitation Admiration
Monarch Festival
Every year for the past several years, the refuge celebrates the migration of monarch butterflies as they stop by for a few weeks before heading on to Mexico. Several thousand people gathered for part of a day to see the monarchs, tour the refuge, learn more about butterflies, observe monarchs being banded, and gorge themselves on Bradley’s Famous Sausages.
Alexander groupies, Auntie and Susanne (they had visited us earlier in the year on the Oregon coast), shared the butterfly experience with us. They are two of our best fans!

Lighthouse Re-Lighting Ceremony
The refuge is also home to a really cool lighthouse that has suffered and (for the most part) withstood big hurricanes, rough seas, and high waters over several decades. Just a few years ago, the refuge took over the lighthouse from the Coast Guard, and a dedicated group of citizens helped raise the money and supply the work to refurbish this iconic structure that had suffered from years of neglect. On Halloween night the restored lighthouse was re-lit after almost 20 years of darkness. Over 1,500 people came to be part of the festivities.

Jan added a charge of fun to the action by creating this Lighthouse Face cutout.

Morning Walks

We have developed a routine where (almost) every morning we take Jack out for a walk before sunrise. Sometimes we take the trail down at the town of Saint Marks, but most of the time we hike on the refuge, and then shoot birds (with a camera) on our drive back.
Here are a few bird shots from the refuge, ending with a woodpecker condo.

Old Trucks
Meet Samantha

See you next time.
Every year for the past several years, the refuge celebrates the migration of monarch butterflies as they stop by for a few weeks before heading on to Mexico. Several thousand people gathered for part of a day to see the monarchs, tour the refuge, learn more about butterflies, observe monarchs being banded, and gorge themselves on Bradley’s Famous Sausages.
Alexander groupies, Auntie and Susanne (they had visited us earlier in the year on the Oregon coast), shared the butterfly experience with us. They are two of our best fans!

Lighthouse Re-Lighting Ceremony
The refuge is also home to a really cool lighthouse that has suffered and (for the most part) withstood big hurricanes, rough seas, and high waters over several decades. Just a few years ago, the refuge took over the lighthouse from the Coast Guard, and a dedicated group of citizens helped raise the money and supply the work to refurbish this iconic structure that had suffered from years of neglect. On Halloween night the restored lighthouse was re-lit after almost 20 years of darkness. Over 1,500 people came to be part of the festivities.

Jan added a charge of fun to the action by creating this Lighthouse Face cutout.

Morning Walks

We have developed a routine where (almost) every morning we take Jack out for a walk before sunrise. Sometimes we take the trail down at the town of Saint Marks, but most of the time we hike on the refuge, and then shoot birds (with a camera) on our drive back.
Here are a few bird shots from the refuge, ending with a woodpecker condo.

Old Trucks
Meet Samantha

See you next time.