South Carolina Aquarium
Blog 372: Up to Charleston

Jan and I and the Pups drove up to Charleston for a short holiday to visit our good friend, Nike, who we had worked with at Laguna Atascosa NWR in Texas. She had visited us both in Oregon and Florida, so it was our turn to reciprocate and visit her hometown.

Private Boat Tour
What a hostess she was! She works as a tour guide for a marina, and she arranged to take us (and the Pups) on a half-day private cruise. Here is Nike and Captain Mike.

It was a memorable event, as Jack saw his first dolphin.

Along with several shorebirds and white pelican, we viewed several American oystercatcher.

We stopped at Caper Island and had a chance to explore. We had the whole island by ourselves, and Jack and Toby had some nice runs along the beach. Sand and water create happy pups.

South Carolina Aquarium
Nike also works at the South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston and arranged another private tour for us for a behind-the-scenes exploration. This is a first-class aquarium worthy of a visit when you are near. Here is a short movie of Caretta, the loggerhead sea turtle, and pics of chain dogfish, goldentail eel, a sea urchin and starfish, a light display, and Jan and a friend.

Our Charleston trip ended on another high note, as Nike’s dad invited us over to his place for a wonderful home-cooked meal.
Christmas Day
What a day! It started with a walk down the boardwalk and up the observation tower here at the refuge. That was followed by opening a trunk load of presents from the Helmans—it is so nice to be spoiled by family. We spent most of the afternoon with our neighbors in the almost perfect weather at our Volunteer Village, chatting, listening to Christmas tunes, and then feasting like nobles.

See you next time.