Travel Blog 358: Red Sky in Morning

Bullocks Orioles
After spotting a gorgeous Bullocks oriole, Jan did some research to discover what they prefer—jam with a perch was the unanimous finding. Soon she converted a hummer feeder into a jam dispensary complete with an orange slice takeout service. Now we have a continuous fly-in of orioles—males, females, and loud/hungry little tykes that scream at their dad to feed them. FYI, a bottle of Concord grape jam lasts about four days around here.

Rufous Hummers
This past week the rowdy Rufous finally found the hummer feeder and we have been watching the hummingbird version of the Battle of Britain from our chairs. Let any non-Rufous get near the feeder and the orange-helmeted bad boys attack!

More Birds
Here are a few other bird shots.

Finally, here is a shot of Jack resting from all the excitement.

See you next time.