October 2019
Blog 326: Vamos a Florida!
After a mind-filling, sometimes challenging, usually fun, and always interesting stay on the Oregon coast, we packed up the bus and started east on our 3,000-mile journey to the Florida panhandle. Straight and flat, narrow and curvy, up and down we made our way on interstates, state highways, county roads, and the occasional unmarked road. Mostly sunny, sometimes windy, rarely sprinkling, always warm, and sometimes hot.

G-Kids Stop
We spent a week at one of our favorite stops, Chatfield State Park on the edge of Denver. Except for a quick business trip to Houston, we enjoyed seeing our G-kids and exploring the area.
Our grandson, Austin, has grown into a tall, muscular, and fast athlete (quite good-looking as well). Here is a pic of him making a touchdown catch and a really nice interception leading his team to victory.

Also, here is a pic of our Grandpup, Bad Boy Hunna, keeping a close eye on our granddaughter Natty paddle-boarding.

Right inside Chatfield Park is the Aerodrome Club Flying Field. We always enjoy watching the model airplanes, the jets, and the helicopters go through their motions. Here we met Mike, who was kind enough to let me fly one of his planes—really fun. Here are a couple pics that Austin shot.

After our week at Chatfield we headed out for the rest of our journey.

Past Branson
We had contemplated stopping in Branson but decided that a little more laid-back place was more our style. So, we moseyed further south and spent three days at Ozark View RV Park near Omaha, Arkansas. A few miles south, we took a day trip exploring the Buffalo National River Park portion of the Ozarks that took us up and down 11% grades an around and over curves that made Highway 101 seem like child’s play. The scenic drives took us through the Ozark National Forest and alongside the Arkansas Grand Canyon.

After four more stops, we settled into our RV spot at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in the Florida Panhandle. My next few blogs will give you the skinny on this place.

Old Trucks
Meet Sarah

Meet Pricilla

Check out www.onceuponatruck.com. Sign up for my What the Truck! blog, and get a sweet gal in your in-basket once a week.
See you soon.

G-Kids Stop
We spent a week at one of our favorite stops, Chatfield State Park on the edge of Denver. Except for a quick business trip to Houston, we enjoyed seeing our G-kids and exploring the area.
Our grandson, Austin, has grown into a tall, muscular, and fast athlete (quite good-looking as well). Here is a pic of him making a touchdown catch and a really nice interception leading his team to victory.

Also, here is a pic of our Grandpup, Bad Boy Hunna, keeping a close eye on our granddaughter Natty paddle-boarding.

Right inside Chatfield Park is the Aerodrome Club Flying Field. We always enjoy watching the model airplanes, the jets, and the helicopters go through their motions. Here we met Mike, who was kind enough to let me fly one of his planes—really fun. Here are a couple pics that Austin shot.

After our week at Chatfield we headed out for the rest of our journey.

Past Branson
We had contemplated stopping in Branson but decided that a little more laid-back place was more our style. So, we moseyed further south and spent three days at Ozark View RV Park near Omaha, Arkansas. A few miles south, we took a day trip exploring the Buffalo National River Park portion of the Ozarks that took us up and down 11% grades an around and over curves that made Highway 101 seem like child’s play. The scenic drives took us through the Ozark National Forest and alongside the Arkansas Grand Canyon.

After four more stops, we settled into our RV spot at St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge in the Florida Panhandle. My next few blogs will give you the skinny on this place.

Old Trucks
Meet Sarah

Meet Pricilla

Check out www.onceuponatruck.com. Sign up for my What the Truck! blog, and get a sweet gal in your in-basket once a week.
See you soon.