May 2018
Blog 307: Babysitting, and Standing, and Running…

Pueblo Lake State Park

Our drive from our campground in Taos to Pueblo State Park was uneventful, as was our stay. Only about 10 percent of this huge campground was open, and the main task of those of us camping/RVing was to stay warm. Jack loved his daily off-the-leash runs, though.
Chatfield State Park
After a couple of days, we headed north and parked at Chatfield Lake State Park. I said “parked” and not “camped,” as our G-kid babysitting duties ramped into gear. Kelly and Aaron had nine days in the UK planned, so we moved into their house to manage/guide/direct/cajole/influence/tolerate/beg our two grandkids. Get them up, feed them breakfast, make sure they have on clothes and clean faces, drive them to school, more of this and more of that, pick them up from school, transport them to football practice…lather, rinse, repeat. Wow, we were glad to see the tykes and happy to help Mom and Dad, but no tears were shed upon task completion.

Cherry Creek State Park
After three days, we moved the coach to the east side of Denver. Had a very nice snowfall and the chance to take a few pics.

Old Trucks

See you next time.