April 2022
Travel Blog 374: From Georgia Swamps to Arizona Deserts
I-10 was our constant companion as we headed west toward our Arizona destinations.

The winds were kind most of the time as they pushed us along the way. Luckily our timing was good those couple of days, as 50-mile-an-hour gusts found us already off the highway and hunkered down in our campsite. Early in the morning the pups and I took the Six Shooter Trail, and a little later in the morning I captured a shot of the rare black-throated sparrow.

After an uneventful night at El Paso, our first Arizona stop was Benson. We took a day trip down to the Coronado National Memorial close to Mexico and drove up to the Coronado Peak Overlook.

From Benson, our next stop was at Bisbee RV park in Naco, right on the Mexican border. With the infamous wall a mile away, we spent most afternoons sitting outside watching the birds and enjoying them all, especially the Mexican cardinal, the pyrrhuloxia.

Our adventure is off to a good start!

The winds were kind most of the time as they pushed us along the way. Luckily our timing was good those couple of days, as 50-mile-an-hour gusts found us already off the highway and hunkered down in our campsite. Early in the morning the pups and I took the Six Shooter Trail, and a little later in the morning I captured a shot of the rare black-throated sparrow.

After an uneventful night at El Paso, our first Arizona stop was Benson. We took a day trip down to the Coronado National Memorial close to Mexico and drove up to the Coronado Peak Overlook.

From Benson, our next stop was at Bisbee RV park in Naco, right on the Mexican border. With the infamous wall a mile away, we spent most afternoons sitting outside watching the birds and enjoying them all, especially the Mexican cardinal, the pyrrhuloxia.

Our adventure is off to a good start!