Motoring Across America

With James "Alex" Alexander

with James "Alex" Alexander


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Blog 139: Pampered Princess and a Pelican on a Piling

Hot and muggy then cool and chilly…the winter weather patterns in Florida vacillated this week like a teenager contemplating a first date. I write this Sunday morning listening to the patter of raindrops on the metal roof--a soothing rhythm that offers reassurance that nature is still aligned with the universe.

On a less philosophical note, it was a busy week on the Island doing lots of writing/developing/reviewing/adjusting/enhancing work outputs while seriously planning Motoring Across America ’13. Yes, it is almost time to fire up BERT (our Big Expensive Road Traveler) and head West.

Around the Island
Here are a few random shots from around the Island this week.

Island Cat

Pink Flower



Ready for Take-Off

Don't Jump!

Life Is Sweet...

Old Trucks
Here are two old trucks.

Old Truck #1

Old Truck #2

See you next week.